
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Video Store Memories Part 7
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Episode 46 is an episode of firsts: it's the first one where Brett flies solo (Ty was on special assignment), the first with none of the traditional segments, and the first one with two interview subjects. But what interview subjects they are! Both Steve and Brad from the fantastic and long-running podcast Stuck in the 80's stop by to talk video store memories and, of course, Stuck in the 80's. It's unusual, it's different...give it a listen!

Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
What is a "FireFist", you ask? No, sadly it's not a movie that exists that we're aware of. It's just us - Brett and Ty - discussing the "Fire" and the "Fist" movies that we've reviewed on comeuppancereviews.net! While the segments are also onboard, could this be the fond farewell of Cliché of the Day? But it does seem that Should've Been an Action Star will go on, much like our hearts. Just press play already!

Thursday Jul 01, 2021
AIP Part 4
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
Welcome to the fourth and final (?) episode detailing the high highs and low lows of legendary DTV producers AIP Studios. As our miniseries comes to a close, we do indeed track the hills and valleys of AIP. What movies will be covered? Will it all end with a bang? Tune in to find out...and don't forget the segments Should've Been an Action Star and Cliché of the Day are here too, of course. Check it out!

Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
No Subject Part 2: Even Less Of A Subject
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Due to the overwhelming response and critical praise for our first No Subject episode, we decided - along with Matt, the Direct To Video Connoisseur - to do a sequel! That's right, the whole notion of having a single subject for a podcast is completely trampled on, and the three of us had a blast doing it. While Hollywood still needs to take note of the many great ideas we pitch, we believe all listeners will be delighted by our lack of single-mindedness. And we still included the segments!

Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
AIP Part 3
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
So many AIP movies, so little time...For this week's episode, we continue our deep dive into the wild n' wacky world of Action International Pictures. There are some low lows, but also some high highs, and of course the segments Cliché of the Day and Should've Been an Action Star that everyone's been clamoring for. Which AIP movies are we covering today? Do press play and find out...

Saturday May 15, 2021
L.A. to Miami: Return Journey
Saturday May 15, 2021
Saturday May 15, 2021
For Episode 41, we complete our trip around the country (and around the world) as we round up the remaining place-named movies. We're flying solo (i.e., there's no special guest) but fear not as the skies are friendly and a good time will be had by all. Throw in some segments and it's all taken down for a smooth landing. Where have we yet to go? Tune in today and find out!

Saturday May 01, 2021
The Chuck Wagon
Saturday May 01, 2021
Saturday May 01, 2021
For the momentous occasion that is our 40th episode, we finally decided to do two much-needed things: talk about Chuck Norris, and finally have back on the show Mitch from The Video Vacuum! We discuss the highs and lows of the Chuckster, and we didn't forget to include some of your favorite segments as well. It's a Truckful o' Chuck - don't miss it!

Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Jack Be Trimble
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
For episode 39, we're talkin' Trimble - that's Jerry Trimble, of course. We couldn't do it without bringing onboard Matt, Direct-To-Video Connoisseur that he is. Golden Boy, as he's known (that would be Trimble, not Matt as far as we know) had a great run in the 90's, and he's still going today. Listen as we decipher the Strangleholds from the Live By the Fists. Your favorite segments are here too, so have a listen!

Thursday Apr 01, 2021
L.A. To Miami: Flight One
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
For episode 38, we take a cross-country flight! Beginning in L.A., we discuss the titles from comeuppancereviews.net that begin with those hallowed letters. On the return journey - which you'll have to stay tuned for - we will get to Miami and all the wonders waiting for us there. What will happen in between? Will other places be discussed? Will segments such as Could've Been an Action Star and Cliché of the Day be here too? Tune in to find out...

Monday Mar 15, 2021
AIP Part 2
Monday Mar 15, 2021
Monday Mar 15, 2021
For Episode 37, we're continuing the discussion about one of our favorite companies - AIP, of course! Which video store classics will we be talking about? Not only are the segments that you know and love here - Should've Been an Action Star and A Bid For Seriousness - but this episode marks a Comeuppance Reviews first! What is it? You'll just have to tune in to find out...