
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Video Store Memories Part 4
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
On this particularly rollicking episode, our old buddy and fan favorite Ryan returns so he can share his memories. He wasn't just a video store patron, he was an employee of Tommy K's Video, so we get all the inside dirt. Also we've got our beloved segments, Cliché of the Day and Should've Been an Action Star, featuring some surprise choices by Ryan. A good time was had by all, so give it a listen!

Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Speakman Or Forever Hold Your Peace
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
On this week's episode, we celebrate a major name in the world of action stars - the one and only Jeff Speakman! We Speak about the Man you know and love, highlighting his classic and lesser-known works. Also onboard are our Espy-award winning segments, Should've Been an Action Star and Cliché of the Day. After listening to today's show, you'll be an Expert...or at least one of the Hot Boyz.

Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Death Part 2
Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Just when you thought you had fought death and conquered it once and for all, along comes the sequel...Death Part 2! That's right, this time we finish off our "Death List" that we started in the previous episode. Not to worry, our classic segments of Should've Been an Action Star and Cliché of the Day are onboard and ready to roll as well. You'll love it to death...again!

Monday Aug 31, 2020
Death Part 1
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Episode 24 is going to be the death of us, as the topic is so big, we had to break it into two parts! That's right, we're tackling the subject of death - the list of movies from our website that start with the word "death", of course. Not to worry, we also have our time-honored segments Cliché Of the Day and Should've Been an Action Star, along with an important announcement for Comeuppance fans at the end of the episode. Don't be a deadbeat - tune in today!

Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Rock The Night
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Night falls on Episode 23 of the podcast this week...because we're discussing our list of movies that begin with the word 'Night'. Don't worry, there's no need to beware of darkness, as a fun time was had by all. In part that's because our usual world-famous segments Cliché of the Day and Should've Been an Action Star are both included. So, as Joey Tempest (and the rest of Europe) once sang, get ready to Rock The Night...episode!

Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
It's Episode NO 22 and today we're talking about our list of "no" movies. No, no, no, it's not a list of movies you shouldn't see. Titles that begin with the word "no" are the order of the day. Of course, our now-classic segments of Cliché of the Day and Should've Been an Action Star are included to kick things off. Should you have a listen? Well, there's NO reason not to!

Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
The Ides of Marchini
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
We're joined by special guest Matt, the DTV Connoisseur, as we delve into the life and work of one Ronald L. Marchini. Though they were mainstays of video stores in the 80's and 90's, finding a Marchini movie was a treat, because there aren't that many of them. We talk all things Steve Parrish, John Travis, and Jake Turner (his alter egos), proper name pronunciation, yellow shirts, and so much more. A "top seven" list is discussed, which should be helpful for the Marchini newbie. It's flat-out fun!

Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Video Store Memories Part 3
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
For our landmark 20th episode, we got a great guest - Richard Hawes of The DTV Digest! The three of us dive back into the heady subject of Video Store Memories, and Mr. Hawes has some excellent reminiscences to share. Of course, we have our normal segments: They Should've Been an Action Star (AKA Could Have Been a Contender) and Cliché of the Day. What gems will we have 'in store'? Press play to find out!

Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Still Killin' It
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
For Episode 19, we discuss movies that start with the word KILLING. Emphasis on the ING, because on a prior episode, we talked about just KILL. Now that that brief housekeeping is out of the way, on this all-new ep of the 'cast, we hit all the important points: Byron Allen, giant faces, Tarantino slogs, underappreciated character actors, certain former employees of the E! Network, Portishead and Malibu. It always seems to come back to Malibu. How does it all connect? Press play to find out...

Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
One is the Action-iest Number
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
A single, solitary hero walks the streets of the city looking for vengeance. Why is it always one man? We discuss why that might be, as various one man juries, forces, armies, and wars (among others) populated our video store shelves. There's only ONE thing left to do...press play!